Indians of Bonaire
Indians are part of the history of our island. For my models I'm not looking after 'indians by race', but indians at heart! All Indian paintings are permanently on show at Landhuis Wanapa, Kanminda Sorobon, Bonaire..
dated 2008 until 2008
(click on an image to enlarge an artwork)
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2008The Arawak indians came from the mainland and crossed the sea by canoe.

Karko (Conch)
2008Indians of Bonaire. The way it was. Model: Carla.

2008Model: Carla, 6 months pregnant.

Chief Nawati
2008The Chief. 'White Feather'. Model: Sean Paton.

Fish hunter
2008Diptich of 3.30 meter. Model: Edwin.

Fish hunter left panel
2008Left panel of diptich of 3.30 meter. Model: Edwin.

Water & Fire
2008The upper panel shows a prehistoric scene (when the Bonairian east coast was still ocean bottom). The lower panel is pre-Columbian history (when the island has risen above sea level).

Fire maker
2008Lower panel of diptich Water & Fire. Model: Yana.